If you’d like to support the work of our church, as we serve our community, please click on the link to our our online giving page. Thank you!!
If you’d like to know a bit more about our church family finances, read on…
As a church family, everything that we are and do is rooted in God’s love. It is God’s love which we seek to live out in our worship, in our fellowship together, and in our mission of serving the local community.
Why do we give?
Lord, everything in heaven and earth is yours… we have given you only what is yours already. (1 Chronicles 29:11, 14) God is a generous God – God loves us. We give in response to what God has already given to us. God gave us the world to enjoy and look after. God gave us life in the very beginning. Through Jesus we are forgiven – we are given a new start in a restored relationship with God. We are given the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us and encourage us on our journey through life.
In view of God’s mercy, offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true worship. (Romans 12:1) When Jesus died He gave himself for the whole world – including us. When Jesus rose from death to life, we were given new life as forgiven children of God. In response to God’s gift of life, and following in the way of Jesus, we are called to give our whole lives to God.
In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each members belongs to all the others. We have different gifts. (Romans 12.5-6) As members of the church family we all have different gifts and different skills. Our life together depends on each member of the church using their God given gifts.Like a jigsaw, we all fit in somewhere. Some people have more time than others and are able to give more time. Some people have more money than others and are able to give more money. Some people have different practical skills which they are able to use in the life of the church family. All of us have gifts. As members of the church family – the Body of Christ – we are called to use these gifts for God’s glory.
Be devoted to one another in love… be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practise hospitality. (Romans 12.10,12) As a church family we value one another. We value being able to offer hospitality to people in need. We value offering safe spaces for young and old to learn and grow together. As a church family we want to share God’s love in real and practical ways – this is our calling as Christians. At our baptism we were all called to shine as lights for Christ in the world – this means using what God has given us to make a difference in our community, in our city and beyond. This is why we give to the work of the Church.
Ways to plan our giving?
It helps the PCC to plan the budget if people are able to plan their giving. Not everyone is able to do this, but if possible, please consider whether you would like to join the ‘Share Scheme’ This can take the form of weekly giving envelopes or monthly standing order.
If you are a tax payer, please complete a Gift Aid form – this will enable Christ Church to recover the tax on your gift. It makes a real difference!
Please consider whether you could leave a legacy gift to Christ Church in your Will. This can be a lovely way to support the future work of the church.
If you would like to speak to someone about any of these methods of giving to the work of Christ Church, Penny Chisnall or Kath Leary will happily meet with you to talk in confidence, or simply contact us.
Please pray. Please take some time to prayerfully review your giving. Ask God what might be the right next step for you, in terms of giving time, money, or skills to the work of the church. Thank you.