Safeguarding Children Policy


Parish of Christ Church Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge

Statement of Aims

Our aims are:

  • To help young people in their Christian discipleship through a programme of learning and thereby to deepen their Christian faith
  • To enable young people to experience the love of God
  • To encourage a strong Christian fellowship
  • To help young people realise their full potential physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
  • To encourage young people to take a full part in the Church’s life and worship
  • To provide a safe meeting place for young people
  • To encourage young people to become responsible adults
  • To promote equality of opportunity for all

This document covers the work of this parish church with children and young people, in its services and in the groups meeting throughout the week.

Currently these groups are aimed at the following ages:

  • Bubbles: Age range from 3-5 years old, Sunday, 10.20 – 11.10am (approximately), usually on the second and fourth Sundays of the month
  • Kidzone: Age range from Y1 to Y5, Sunday 10.20–11.10am (approximately), currently on the second and fourth Sunday of the month
  • W.C.I.S (What Colour Is Sunday): Age range Y6 upwards. Sunday 10.20–11.10am (approximately), usually on the second and fourth Sundays of the month

This policy also covers any work undertaken outside of the church buildings carried out under the auspices of the P.C.C.

Policy Statement

This P.C.C. adopts the policy statement of the Diocese and will display it prominently in all church premises. The P.C.C. expects all church workers to follow its Safeguarding Children Policy and Guidelines and will display them in prominent places. The full Diocesan Policy will be displayed in the alcove at the back of church (near the bell rope) and copies of this policy statement will be kept on the notice board at the back of church, in the porch, in the hall and in 21, Halifax Rd.

Application of the Policy

All new workers, whether paid or voluntary, working for church-based organisations, will be informed of the policy by the Vicar, the Safeguarding Children representative or the group leader.  All children’s workers will be expected to accept the policy and guidelines and work according to their requirements.

All new members of the P.C.C. will be required to accept the policy and guidelines. The P.C.C. will appoint a group (the Safeguarding Children Officer and Priest-in-charge) to oversee the policy and guidelines. The policy and guidelines will be reviewed at least annually by the PCC.

The P.C.C. will appoint a Safeguarding Children Representative and will inform the diocesan office  of their details. Currently the Safeguarding Children Officer is Stephanie Osman.

Church Premises

Any organisation booking the use of church premises will be informed of the need to observe safeguarding procedures via a statement on the Booking Hire Form. They should be expected to confirm they have a Safeguarding Children policy and appropriate insurance. Individuals booking church premises for private functions will have the policy drawn to their attention and accept their responsibility for protecting children at that function.


The P.C.C. will follow the recruitment process included in the Diocesan Safeguarding Children Policy. References, the Confidential Declaration and a DBS disclosure via the Diocesan system will be obtained. Appointment to any post, paid or voluntary, will not be made until these processes are complete. All appointments will be made on a conditional basis until the completion of a satisfactory probationary period. All those working with children and young people will follow the good practice guidelines in the Diocesan Safeguarding Children Policy and Guidelines.

DBS forms will be coordinated by Safeguarding Children’s Officer, Stephanie Osman.

Registration and Parental Consent

All groups will keep a register of those attending each session. Parental consent forms, including emergency contact details, must be completed for all participants, and must be available to group leaders whenever the group meets. This applies to all groups, whether meeting on church premises or elsewhere.

Bubbles, Kidzone and W.C.I.S have folders which hold the register, the completed registration forms and blank forms for any new children attending, plus relevant appendices from the diocesan guidance. These folders are kept in the lockable cupboard in the vestry outside group session times, and must be collected and held by a leader during the session.

Parental consent to photographs and videos must be obtained, using the consent form and principles in the diocesan guidelines. No child’s photo will be reproduced in this manner by the Church without a signed consent form which is valid for 18 months from the date of signing (Appendix 5 of full Diocesan Policy)


The P.C.C. will ensure that there is adequate insurance cover for all activities involving children and young people.

Fire Regulations and Security

All group leaders will be aware of fire regulations and the positions of fire extinguishers. They will be vigilant as to the presence of anyone on the premises during the meetings of the groups. They should know who to contact in an emergency relating to the building. The contact people are the Church Wardens or the Parish Church Fire Officer.

 Food and Hygiene

If any group is involved in the preparation or selling of food, at least one leader should have completed the food hygiene and food safety course to ensure good practice is followed.

First Aid and Accidents   

Each group should have at least one adult present who has attended a basic course on first aid. There should be a properly stocked first aid kit accessible to each group. In the event of any accident, an incident and accident report form should be completed. This should be kept securely in a marked file. Parents should also be informed of any accident.

Kidzone have their own first aid kit and report forms kept in their cupboard in the church hall.

Other first aid kits and report forms are located: No 21/Parish office in kitchen cupboard; community room and in the church hall found in kitchen. Completed forms will then be kept securely in accordance with the Health and Safety Policy.

Providing an Independent Person

Children and young people should have the opportunity to raise any concerns about any health and safety or safeguarding matters. A notice will be placed on the noticeboard and/or entrance to church and to all church premises with the name and contact details of the Parish Safeguarding Children Officer, the Parish Vulnerable Adults Officer, the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, as well as contact details for the Local Authority Social Services, NSPCC, Childline and other appropriate helpline charities. The PCC may, if it wishes, appoint an ‘independent person’ in addition to those listed above.


If an allegation is received concerning the behaviour of an adult, the diocesan Allegations Policy (a copy of which can be found in the Diocesan Safeguarding Children Policy) will be followed.

 Concerns About or Reported by a Child

This parish will follow the Diocesan Guidelines and report the concern to the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, or to the appropriate Archdeacon. In an emergency or if the child is at immediate risk the appropriate statutory agencies will be informed. All such concerns or incidents should be recorded and kept in a confidential place.


All children and young people’s workers will meet to review their work on at least an annual basis. This should include a review of safeguarding issues and health and safety issues relating to each group. Notification of this meeting should be reported to the P.C.C. The parish Safeguarding Children Representative/Officer will review the parish policy annually and report to the P.C.C., who will record this review in their minutes. The P.C.C. will inform the Archdeacon via the visitation that this has been done. A copy of the current Parish Safeguarding Policy should be sent to the Archdeacon for inclusion in the parish file. A further copy should be sent if there are substantial amendments.


Group leaders will be encouraged to attend the Safeguarding training provided by the Diocese. The parish will consider its training needs at the time it reviews the Safeguarding Policy. If specific needs are identified the parish will consult with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser to arrange a training event for the parish or group of parishes in the Deanery.

Use of Social Media

All those using social media, text messaging and e-mail to communicate with children and young people must follow the diocesan guidelines.

Agreed and approved by PCC on May 21st 2018

 This policy is to be reviewed in April 2019